Monday, November 23, 2009

Webinar on : Challenges in Liquidity Risk Management & Reporting

Over the years, regulators have tried to manage liquidity risk by issuing guidelines and recommendations. These guidelines were qualitative in nature and a lot was left to firm's discretion. As the regulatory bodies are all set to revamp the financial regulatory structure, liquidity risk is one area which is gathering a lot of attention. In aftermath of the current crisis, FSA has laid down a new set of rules for Liquidity Risk Management.

While Basel Committee on Banking Supervision has issued principles and guidelines for Liquidity Risk Management, FSA has completely overhauled its Liquidity Framework which was finalized & presented on the 9th of Oct 2009. The far-reaching overhaul, designed to enhance firm's liquidity risk management practices, is based on the lessons learned since the start of the credit crisis in 2007.

Aleri, a leading software company with unique CEP technology, joins with Headstrong, the security industry's leading IT services firm to review the Liquidity reporting requirements of FSA and the unique IT and business challenges it poses to financial services industry.

For more information and to Register for the event on 2nd December, 2009 Click here

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